
Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Week 6 alone on a wide wide sea WAI

In this activity we had to write about our first real memory that we can remember. we also had to write arthurs first memory from the story.

Wai alone on a wide wide sea Instructions week 6

 In this activity the wai boys had to write instructions on surviving Coopers Station which is the main location in this book. it is a very hard place to stay at as you have to work extremely hard and only get 3 days of a year! this is my piece of writing:

How to survive coopers station

So you arrive at Coopers Station and have no idea what to do. Well here are some instructions to survive this place with next to no beatings.

Step 1

Work as hard as you can in order to get on the good side of Mr piggy bacon and Mrs bacon. The harder you work the more respect and the least beatings you will get as well as get respect from your friends for not getting a beating in the first month. Also you will have to make sure you don’t miss a single detail in the job you are doing or else you will be punished…

Step 2

Always eat all of your food in order to be healthy along with always getting a good night's sleep so you can work your hardest. During playtime play for only about 20 minutes and spend the rest of the time stretching and doing some push ups and sit ups in order to be healthy and keep strong to make the hard jobs easier but don’t forget to chill for a bit too and have a break.

Step 3

Don’t forget to have a tiny bit of fun just to keep sane and be social and always try to have a good chat with your fellow workers and be respectful to everyone because they are going through the same thing as you and they may not be able to deal with the situation as well as you are.

Step 4

And the last step is to stay strong and don’t let your insecurities and fears get to you so that you can be tough and make it right through to adulthood with little pain.

Wai wild endangered species report

 in week 5 during lockdown we had to write a report on endangered species. here it is:

Endangered species


All over the world there are so many different animals from sharks to elephants. But most of them have many different subspecies such as monkeys. There are many different monkeys and each different species is a subspecies. An example of this is orangutans, gorillas and capuchin monkeys. They are all monkeys but they are all subspecies because they are a different species from one another but they are still monkeys.

What animals are critically endangered in New zealand

There are many different species across the world that are endangered. Animals such as tigers and elephants are endangered  and in need of our help to stop them from going extinct. Some of New Zealand's endangered species are the Kakapo with around 124 still alive, the Chatham Island Tāiko having around 120 - 150 specimens still alive and last but not least the maui’s dolphin with around 50 alive specimens roaming around the coast of New zealand. 

What are the causes of endangerment and habitat loss

The main causes of animals going extinct are habitat loss, pollution, poaching and introducing pests. Habitat loss is generally caused by humans with things like arson causing huge wildfires to completely destroy the entire habitats of tens of thousands of animals causing them to lose more and more of their population and causing them to go completely extinct. Other things that cause habitat loss for fish are things such as dams blocking off a certain part of the water way they are living in and trawlers scraping the bottom of the ocean destroying anything in its path.


Pollution is another thing which is entirely caused by humans. Whether it be Mcdonalds rubbish or smoke and burning fossil fuels this is causing an effect on the entire world. This “effect” is climate change which is causing large draughts, wildfires, large snow melts and rising sea levels. Climate change is a world wide thing and it needs to be put to an end as fast as possible. Not just for the sake of humanity but also for the other animals living on the earth.


There are many animals all around the planet that are protected by law and people kill them anyway. This is called poaching. If you are caught poaching you can get fined up to $10,000 and up to a 2 year jail sentence.

The pouching industry makes roughly between 7 to 23 billion dollars a year making it one of the most profitable illegal trades. 

Introducing pests

Introducing pests in my opinion is the worst way that animals are going extinct because it would have the most effect over the long run with populations of pests increasing while native populations decreasing. Having all the pest brings in the use of 1080 poison which kills the pests and the native wildlife therefore doing more harm than good. Pest populations generally raise faster than that of the native wildlife causing an unstable ecosystem and a non safe environment for native animals to raise their population. The way that pests destroy entire species is by eating the eggs and the young, destroying the next generation of the native animals and feeding them and their offspring, helping them to flourish.


So in the end, entire populations are going extinct due to human kind. Things from habitat loss to the introduction to pests are ruining the ecosystem and causing amazing animals to die.

Show don't tell week 5

This is yet another show don't tell and is the last one. same thing as the last 2 posts. 

Show don't tell week 4

This is another show don't tell activity like the last on you need to write a paragraph based on the persons emotions next to the text box without telling the emotion.

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Show don't tell week 3 term 3

In week three when the wai boy's were reading the book running wild we had an activity called show don't tell. for this activity we had to write a mini paragraph from a scene that is similar to the book that has the same emotion as the person next to the text box